Tuesday, July 28, 2009

the big two five

I am really trying to figure out how to grow up and get into that routine. July 12th I turned twenty-five and now I am really just wondering now what. I see this movie coming out "Julie & Julia" and I cannot help but wonder how that pertains to my life. Girl at a dead end job, but ends up changing her life by cooking her way through Julia Child's cook book the French Chef. I am at a dead end job, but I really am trying to find my way into the grown up world. I want to work out and work everyday. On my days off I want to work out, knit, and cook. Along with read write and whatever. I cannot figure out what it is that I block out in my brain that prevents me from doing these.

I want a project where I keep my house clean. I do not understand why I love to do laundry but I HATE to put the clothing away. I start to organize my room, but end up never finishing it. I am in this constant state of middle brain. My left brain is always taking over the right brain, I have the power to start a right brain activity but never finish it. My right brain is the quitter, but never at work because I hate the messy work place or in school, I just cannot understand how I can keep the left brain going so well. It is really curious to me.

Julie blogs about her cooking adventures in Julia's cook book and the movie shows Julia's life at le Cordon Bleu cooking academy in France. Julia was never afraid to fail as anyone can see from any show you watch of hers, because they are down right hilarious, she makes mistakes constantly but is showing you how to fix it and just do it the best you can.

Now my question is what is going to be my project, I will write about and stick to (other than knitting because well I do that anyways). I need to grow up because my life is SOOOO boring. I need to start something, other than think about what a terrible mess the economy is in, or how broke I am. I need to focus on what this is to be twenty-five and grow up. I need to figure out how to marry the two parts of the brain and figure out how to be a left and right brained person. An ambidextrous brained person. Then I can write a book about it. Whether I do make something from a Cook book each and everyday of my life and go to the gym to work it off because I will gain about 100 lbs, or just the sheer fact of going to the gym everyday....maybe it will just be the fact of getting into a routine, and training myself into being an adult, because there is no one who can help you be one. It takes training because I see adults who are not even trained to be adults. I no longer want to be Katie who just does I want to be Katie who did all and can talk about it. Not just thought about it.

HOW to do it, is what I keep asking myself.