Saturday, October 3, 2009


Today walking home from the game a random stranger told me I was cute. Stopped me and just had to let me know out of nowhere I was cute. It was the first time in a long time anyone besides my friends or family has told me that. He has never told me that unless I prompted him.

I laughed the KtB laugh and walked on but then I got all choked up. I haven't heard those words from a man's mouth in a very long time. It is a rather odd thing for me because I know this about myself I have never once doubted it in me, but today with my crazy curly hair and my nothing special about my clothing a man told me I was cute.

It is odd because there are all of these body issues I have always had and will always have that come and go with weight loss and gain, the small boobs and man thighs/calves. The big huge butt of the matter is (no pun intended) I know I am cute, and DAMN IT...BEAUTIFUL. My eyes are what get the men in drive thru who just are waiting for their coffee, my coy smile is what can get the conversation going, but in the end it is how I can talk to a person just right then and there to hook them. I do not have horse teeth, I do not have big ears, and I do not fake it, except when I forget who I was and am. Maybe that is what I have been doing forgetting me. I do not know what all these tests have been over the past few weeks, but maybe I have forgotten me and maybe I needed someone to who is strong enough to remind me who I am when this stuff comes up and help me thorough these times when it does happen.

I started crying because it was like a blow in the stomach, sure I get the hit on, sure I have the gay man telling my how HAWT I look all the time, and sure there are the girls who are saying "Katie you are getting really skinny." Sometimes though you need that random stranger telling you reminding you "You're cute and I thought you should know."

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