Thursday, January 29, 2009

So again it has been awhile...

I haven't knitted anything. I don't know why. I am trying to finish things, but I am back in school and working on that now. School is the more important thing so yarn and love of knitting can wait. I find myself daydreaming about it and wishing for it. I just am losing all the time I have between homework, school, and actual work. Hobbies can wait, hobbies fall by the wayside. I just look at all the stash and all the yarn and a huge sigh escapes me.

Oh well I say, and go back to reading for school. I will become a teacher. I will teach English. I will be the best I can this and every semester after, from here on out. I HAVE TO! I do not have a choice. There are no other options. Again sigh and another oh well. Who knows maybe I will change the world. Obama apparently will according to everyone. I have faith he can work it all out, I am just not putting all the pressure on him people like my grandfather are who think it will happen in six months.

Plus I just keep reminding myself I cannot work serving coffee anymore. I just cannot do it. I hate this and I hate doing it. I want to help people not fake smile at them. I miss my old store. I miss the customers so much. I just want to go back one day and have a reunion. Say hi to everyone and know they are doing well. Give them all a hug and just say Hi.

Before school started I got to go skiing with the silly boyfriend. It was a blast let me tell you! He went snowmobiling for the first time ever, and threw me off. HAHAHA what a hilarious thing though. He is a boy what do you expect. We went to Utah and hit up the Deer Valley, then he at the Stine Erickson lodge at the buffet for lunch, and quite the buffet I will say that. It was worth the eight hour drive there and the eight hours back. I do not think I have seen him as happy as he was, I think it was the altitude. :)


Anonymous said...

I read your blog and thought it was great. You seem like a very kind and funny girl. I have always wanted to learn to knit. Have tried a few times. Failed! It would be nice to be able to knit gifts for friends & family. But cool stuff, bright colors trendy styles. Not the boring pot holders Grandma made me. Hope you find time to knit again, seeing how you are the WittyKnitter!

wittyknitter said...

HAHAH. Thanks so much. Those were rather nice things to say. I hear you on the bright colors and cool stuff. Those are what I like to knit and knit with. I love to associate things or movies with my knitting. Like I found this yarn and it totally reminded me of the Wizard of OZ. You should totally pick it up and try again. It is so easy once you get ahold of it.

Rachel said...

You will be teacher and a good one.
You'll get time for a bit of knitting along the way I'm sure, a good way to relax. Good to hear you sounding so positive and with such a great goal

wittyknitter said...

Well thanks I appreciate it. You sound so kind. I hope to go to Australia some day a live there...perhaps teach there someday