Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Alrighty here it is. 5 weeks away, and I am going to do I am comitting to it and I have to do it. 26.2 miles. I may not run the whole thing, but shit I will do it.

A MARATHON! I want more than anything to do this and I have to do it. I am 26.4 years old. On December 5th I will do it.

This is my commitment. I will do this damn marathon if I pass out and die at the end, but I will do it. Born and Raised in Las Vegas, and it will be the first of it all. There may not be people at the end of it to shake my hand or give me a hug, but I do not care I will do this thing. It's for me.

26.2 miles, you are my bitch!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The day after the world changed forever.

I have to say that I do love to reflect on the past. I have this way of remembering really random things and events that are both significant and randomly unimportant. Birthdays are my forte. I can remember any one's birthday. I do not even need facebook for it.

Today is September 12, 2010. Nine years ago I was heading to class after one of the most memorable and disturbing days in my generation's history. It is the day after 9/11.

9/11 was still fresh in our minds. We all had this fear that there was going to be another attack, it was just a matter of where, and how they could think of destroying our spirit even further. Things were just a pile of dirt and ash. It has been compared to Pearl Harbor.

Everyone will forever remember that day. It is like the day Kennedy was shot. It is like the day MLK Jr. was shot. It is like the day that will live in infamy. Until this day my generation had nothing to go off of as a frame of memorable moments in our lives. We had MTV telling us what the cool things to do and how to live our lives. We had a president who did not win the election, and was not as time has told a competent leader. There was an agenda it seemed he was almost giddy at the thought of this devastation.

I am not here to get into a political argument or to try and put blame on the government for this happening. I am trying to understand how one of the most powerful governments in the world could allow this to happen to their own citizens.

I will never forget the moments of that day. I will never forget driving my sister to school. I was a senior and she was a sophomore. We were sitting in my Honda accord, two weeks into the school year listening to Mix 94.1 Mark and Mercedes in the morning. There was no music playing we were putting the last finishing touches of our make-up on. I turned it up and it was Mark's voice coming across the radio. The words are not exact, but I do recall "A plane has just hit the North tower of the World Trade Center, we just got this news and please stand by, as we try to find out more. It seems New York is in a state of panic, we will have more information soon." I called my mother, she was going to our house in Newport beach that day. I told her to turn on the news and see what was going on, Mark and Mercedes just said a plane hit one of the Twin towers, I don't think you should fly today. "No way that cannot be possible, no can fly a plane into the towers, this cannot be right. I am going to fly down to Newport. OH MY GOD!" She shouted over the phone. I asked what happened she said another plane hit the other tower. "Do you guys want to come home?"

"No, we should go to school today, we don't know what is going on and whoever did this will win if we just go home. We are going to sit through classes and we will be alright. I have my phone and I can get Chrissy if something else goes wrong. Just call me later. Please don't fly."

I recall sitting in my first period English class. My teacher found a TV, and put on the news. The images of the burning towers was embellished on my brain forever. The replay of the second plane hitting was horrifying. We all watched as the tower started to fall. My teacher started crying, I could not believe it. How could things this big fall? What is going on in the world, why would someone do this? It was my senior year, we were supposed to be thinking about the last of our high school days, not the fact we were just attacked. My trip from my parents was supposed to be a trip to New York. Is it really going to happen now, will people fly again? Questions running through my brain, the major was why.

June of 2002, we went to the big apple. We got off the flight and checked into the Plaza hotel. It was the Plaza, a NY classic. People were kind and there was a sadness behind their eyes, but they were pulling through. That day we got there we went on a double-decker bus tour. A stop was the towers, now known as Ground Zero. My mother couldn't look, there was dust blowing all over the place. You could breathe it in and it stung your eyes. I looked, the wreckage of the day was still present, signs were all over the place with people's wishes of well for the lives lost on that day. The picture of the frame we all see, was forever burned in to my brain. It was there still and they were finally starting to work on moving all of the wreckage of the day away. It was a random empty spot of dirt, ashes, and rubble amongst more buildings. I realized it wasn't dirt that was blowing around. It was ashes. The ashes of the years of the building standing there, the ashes of the planes, and the ashes of the lives lost. Ashes of moms and dads who were going to work that day. Ashes of the firemen who were doing their duty and trying to stop the fires. Ashes of the people who believed in their ultimate salvation was through this act of terror. My eyes watered from it all, and the grit was in my mouth, like when you were a little kid who just fell off the swings, and there were still little granules of sand crunching in your teeth.

It was like I was apart of it now. I still cannot believe the hatred that has come from that day. Instead of growing from it, people used it to their advantage. Now we were no different from the terrorist who did this, now we hate just as much as they did. Life has not been the same and never will be. We have become the terrorist, we no longer trust our brothers, and the government no longer trusts its citizens. Now we hate people who are Muslim, and we think they should not have any rights, because they all must be terrorist. Remember Christianity, they created a Jihad against us, but we are not them we should be stronger than that. Revenge is not golden it just takes away your insides and makes you thirsty for more, it turns you into a terrorist. It turns your heart black.

America needs to stop hating, and there needs to be some understanding in all of this. Never forget that day, hold it in your heart, but remember we have hearts to hold and the heart should be thankful we are alive and able to still be here to love. Do unto others as you want done to you. The golden rule. Even Jesus would love the people who hated him, because not all people are bad the just do not know what they do. On this day the day after 9/11 remember to love each other and be thankful it was not you there that day. You were given the gift of 9/12...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Beanies for Babes

I know I know its is September, I just haven't had the inspriation to write anything lately.

Here I am again on my own in Las Vegas. Let me tell you it is friggin hot as hell out here. I hate this weather and really it does not go away till about mid to late October. So boo to that.

The house is really big and really creepy at night. Still I do not mind being in my old bed. The idea at 26 and living in your parents house is just a nightmare. What is ab fab is there is cable and I sit and I knit. Plus it is the end of summer and now I really do not want to do anything at all. I will be going outside more often because it will start cooling down. I also am doing a 5k in the middle of this month. So yay!

So now I am coming up with an idea for a lil business. I was thinking of knitting beanies for kids with cancer and giving them to the kids. Also I was thinking of just going once a week and chatting with the children while I knit their beanies. I

I think it will be fun and I have more yarn than all the sheep in Scotland. I am selling the beanies to people to donate to the children. For now. there will be a new blog coming up and then things will progress from there.

Really that is all. Oh and Oliver is loving being in the heat. He is one happy puppy.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

To the Biggest Lil City...

Well I must say dear Reno it has been fun.

I am leaving you for now. I have to move back to the southern part of the state. I hate to break our love affair off but sadly like everything in my life this must end. I truly do love you.

I love your weather. I love how I can be cold at 8 in the morning in August. It is the best runs I have ever had. Also there is something about the air in the mornings here. It is refreshing. I will miss my skin not feeling like it is going to burn off when I walk outside. Or how I have to wear a sweatshirt at night, trust me it has not really been hot August nights, hahhah!

I love getting stuck in the snow in my 4-runner, that only has 2 wheel drive. Shit I could not get up my drive way in it. I will miss building snow forts and snow people in your beautiful snow. I will miss the Oranges, Reds and Yellows of your autumn, I will miss the chill in the air knowing that summer has ended and the crunching of the leaves when I walk on your beautiful campus.

And Tahoe, ugh well ugh. There are millions of words to describe you. I have a million and one, here are a few. I have seen beaches and rolling hills, but really there is nothing that can compare to the colors you share with the world. It has jaded me just a bit, I think the only thing that could ever compare is the Rainforest in Hawaii.

My friends I love you as well. You know that already...

So Reno, I shall miss you a lot. I hate Vegas, but it is what it is. I will make the most of it, and well damn, shit, and hell, I guess I have to kick your ass Vegas. It has it's fine points and I do have a secret thrill every time I fly home, but I will never live there. I will never be a Vegas person again. I really just hate it. I love what Vegas was, you have to have some love for your home town, and my home town is not what it was. This will end for sure, I know it, and Then who knows where I will go. It will be far away, and well time will not be spent like people would like to think.

When this is over I will be far away and you will never see me, I guarantee that. This is a mistake for you Vegas, if people think London is far... There are even farther places I can promise that, I will go farther than anyone can think, and I may not come back.

So for now I am raising a glass to Reno, and giving the finger to Las Vegas, and to all who think it is better... You know who you are.

From dirt comes flowers. Pretty ones

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Has it really only been...

364 days...

It feels like it has been 364 years. Each of these 364 days have seemed like the longest and shortest of my life. Some Flew by while others just drug on.

Tomorrow marks the day of my birth, woo... I really have good birthdays, but usually they are followed by some traumatic event or something silly that ends up hurting my sprit in someway so pretty much I really never look forward to my birthday. I do look forward to the reflection of the past 364 days. This past year has been some serious ups and serious downs.

Lets start with the downs to get them out of the way! I had my heart shattered by a boy who I thought was it because he "was trying" pretending to me that he was in love with me that I was it for him making me believe this was it. Shortly after that my sister gets engaged and married. My grandfather dies, and no matter how much I wanted to be there I could not be, because of stupid work and school. I get fired from a job I somewhat enjoyed, by a woman who could barely love herself she takes it out on everyone around her and did it just to make an example out of me.

Now the ups. I lost fifty pounds with no secret diet or wonder magic pills or anything at all. I just did it. I met and reconnected with some amazing people. I also have some focus on what I am doing now as opposed to just doing and floating though life. Oh and I am going to London, something I have dreamed about since I was like 10. So yay. Happy birthday to me.

I know the ups of my life are smaller than the downs, but when you examine the downs closer they are actually bigger ups than downs. I can see I am way better off without the boy, it would of ended anyways on my part, or I would of ended up miserable. To no avail and this is always the kicker, It never fails, most who reject me tend to wake up and see it was their loss and they fucked up. Usually by that time it is to late and my feelings for them are gone. I will never understand that one as long as I live. I will maybe see that answer when I die. I am not smiling, about it I just always wonder about the irony behind it. Boys are just not right for me and pretty much are just things to look at. When the right one comes along then he will want to be there and join me on our journey.

My grandfather was sick and it was time. It was not right for him, it was time to go. He needed to go. I wish it could have been sooner. It was just sad that is all.

The job thing sucked because I loved the people I worked with and I really just wanted to be around the customers. I really truly loved bringing happiness to people days and I know I did. It was something of a push though because I know that now I have to move on and get away. I was also miserable, I had no life and getting up at 4 am was not fun. Plus I feed off the energy of people and when they are in a bad mood they move to the dark side. I felt like Luke fighting Darth Vader and the Emperor everyday, and when you have to stand up to why someone doesn't like you for you then well who cares, I just literally gave up.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Artown and Hot August Nights

So I was reading on rgj.com yesterday about how Hot August Nights may or may not be leaving Reno for Long Beach.

I also read yesterday about how two of the fifteen pianos put out for Artown have been vandalized.

I am going to step on a soap box for a minute.

Hot August Nights brings a lot of money to Reno. WHOOPITYDO! I love going down town and look at old cars. It is a blast. I can appreciate it. An old car rocks my world. It was a connection between my dad and I, '69 Camaro it was Fucking amazing. It was a beautiful car. I seriously though cannot understand why on Earth people are freaking out about this whole thing leaving the biggest little city. There is nothing big or little about this city anymore. Hot August Nights has a optical appeal about it, it is also a business, what about Reno right now is screaming, "Hey look how awesome we look we are flourishing with business!"

The planners of Artown put out fifteen pianos to celebrate fifteen years of Artown. Fifteen local artist decorated the pianos to share their art with the community. Some rat bastards thought it would be great to beat the hell out of and vandalize two of them. It is sad and shows why things in Reno are on more of a decline. I was out last week, riding around with my friend Josh on his tandem bike. (Yeah we were pretty much the coolest people out there on his bicycle built for two.) The pianos brought me joy, hard work and effort were put into them and well shit it was just nice to see people walking up to them and playing them. The pianos were put there for joy and entertainment. Whether you are a Musical genius, a person who only took piano lessons for three years, or a kid just walking up to them and banging on the keys, they managed to inspire. Those bastards should be spanked. (That is right I am saying it!) I respect the artist who sees the positive in it. She now gets to paint another panel for the piano, and that warms my heart.

People are raving and ranting about HAN leaving Reno. Who cares this is not until 2012. Maybe by that time Reno will have it's act together, and HAN will not want to leave. Maybe by the time 2012 rolls around this fledgling economy will be booming again. The mayors of Sparks and Reno should take this as a wake up call. I know if I spent all that money on a car and put all that effort into it why would I want to bring it to a place where there is a condemned building in the background. Your cities are in a decline. If something as big as HAN does not want to stay here, maybe it is time to start cleaning up. How about we start with Virginia Street. I know there is a recession, but from dirt comes flowers. Paint another panel. I love this city, but things need to change, this is getting ridiculous. Things can always come back, so prove it to your citizens, by making some efforts to save this recession ridden city. Stop seeing the big bucks, this is not Las Vegas, this is why I love it here.

Clean it up and fix it. It is what the supporters of Artown are doing, they are trying to make things better. They are trying to make the Biggest little city better. What are you doing? Telling people you are "One Hot Tamale" BFD!!! Clean up your city and prove it is HAN's loss. Start it over and make it bigger and better than it ever was. It is what the people of Artown do, every year they make it better and work towards something better. Even when something bad happened they managed to pull together and fix it, not show how angry they are. This could have been an opportunity to renew and fix as opposed to just talk like everyone else seems to do.

One thing about Vegas is at least Oscar Goodman would be out there fighting for this not just talking (OK so he does talk A LOT). BUT Mayors you have known about this for a while now and all of a sudden you are shocked! You should be spanked, this is your vandalism! You let it run it course and thought things would never change, well now they are. Look at your down town. The Reno beautification project fell by the wayside, and wow we now have condos. Empty condos. What is Northern Nevada known for? Things like Artown, HAN, Street Vibrations, Those beautiful mountains we ski, see and hike in, and GAMBLING. How can people gamble when no one wants to come here and do it because "the strip" looks like a pig sty. If you build it they will come, willingly!

go here http://www.rgj.com/article/20100707/NEWS/100707060 and read about the silly HAN fiasco!

here for the pianos http://www.rgj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2010100706035

Monday, July 5, 2010


Last night I watched some fireworks with some friends and saw my baby sis Grace called me. She called about an issue and she vented about it. The issue is not important, what was important was talking with my baby sis Gracie.

We got into how our parents are CRAZY. HAHAHA.

It was the moment when Grace started in on how our mother is always asking her what the plan is and what she is doing and and and... That is when I realized they are doing the same things to her that they used to do it me.

She was crying, I started laughing because of the irony. She told me how uncool she felt and how she cannot catch a break. It is ruining her teenage years! I told her yeah pretty much it ruined mine too.

It ruined mine in some sense. I was the uncool kid because I could not do things like just go and hang out, or just be a kid. I was not a bad kid, I just wanted to go and be a kid. She is doing similar things too, like hanging with friends. My parents think she is just going off and drinking at parties and doing what they think are "bad things." They are afraid of Grace growing up. I do agree there are somethings she should wait for and be innocent, I mean she is only fifteen. They are also doing it because they LOVE her.

The sad thing about this is they do not trust Grace will not do the bad things. They do not trust that Grace has the mental capacity to say no, or hell if she says yes, to be smart about it. My parents always think that one bad thing means she is dead in a ditch and worry so much about her dieing in a fiery car crash. The thing about that is kids are supposed to fall down and get bruises and scars. Kids are supposed to hurt, move past them and be protected in some sense. I do not want my sister to die in a fiery car crash. I do want her to learn something though. I do want her to figure it out a bit so she does not end up like my sister and I. I think parents should guide not shelter. When you shelter things we just end up being rebellious and then well we wander the earth always looking for something, and rebelling.

It is like my tattoos and piercings, they are there for reasons, they are my rebellious scars of my past. There is a story behind each one they are my scars and memories of a time in my life, and some are there for people I love. The tattoos will forever be reminders of them the piercings can go away. When I am an old hag I can tell my grand kids what they meant, and have some stories. Just like I have stories for Grace.

Instead of letting us getting to the point of "what did you learn" it was always "we are just protecting you from," "and because I SAID SO." I do not have the answers for this nor do I know what is the right answer but I do know that when you are always protecting, you are alienating and removing a lot of social connections kids just want to make. High school is about how to make connections and what they mean. It is about growing into what you want to be in college. Grace is feeling like she is being held back a bit. I feel for my baby sis, I do at the same time there is nothing she can do about it. I know though in the end she will be OK. I also told her there is a time and a place for everything and that is college (thank you South Park). I just kept listening to her and saying "yup sounds about right." I also became really scared, they are going to turn her into me. Into what I became the first time around. I can see it starting now. They are destroying her self-esteem like they did mine when I was that age. I do not blame them but I see the pattern emerging. It sucks, but I wish they could just let it be.

They just want what is best, even though it is not what seems like it is what is best now. I understand that and it hurts to tell my baby sis that. There is a lot more to life than having friends and being the cool kid. Grace will realize this ten years from now, I hope that I can guide her through it and be there before she gets to that point I did when I was her age. They were thinking I was always doing something bad like cutting myself or doing drugs. I was just sleeping in my room being a teenager, who was not allowed to even go to a friends house to hang out, even after I found Jesus, and trying to prove to my parents I was being a good kid. So not even my friends could accept me. I could not accept me. Nothing was ever good enough to prove I was good, because they always thought I was bad. There was no trust. I was doing good, thier's was just paranoia, I was being bad. Even when I was being good, it did not matter because I was bad in their eyes.

I hope Grace can realize things before she is twenty-five and forever searching for how to be something to please them and just please herself. I know a few things, I am not who I was when I was fifteen, or twenty, or twenty-two, or twenty-four, hell or the person I was when I turned twenty-five. I hope Grace can see that really in the grand scheme of things it does not matter in the end and this too shall pass. I told her it does not get any easier.

Grace did say one thing. As unstable and crazy as I feel like my life is, and no matter how much of a failure as I feel my life is sometimes, when your baby sis tells you, "You taught me a lot" makes you feel like you can take on the world. It also makes you love her more than you already do.