Thursday, July 8, 2010

Artown and Hot August Nights

So I was reading on yesterday about how Hot August Nights may or may not be leaving Reno for Long Beach.

I also read yesterday about how two of the fifteen pianos put out for Artown have been vandalized.

I am going to step on a soap box for a minute.

Hot August Nights brings a lot of money to Reno. WHOOPITYDO! I love going down town and look at old cars. It is a blast. I can appreciate it. An old car rocks my world. It was a connection between my dad and I, '69 Camaro it was Fucking amazing. It was a beautiful car. I seriously though cannot understand why on Earth people are freaking out about this whole thing leaving the biggest little city. There is nothing big or little about this city anymore. Hot August Nights has a optical appeal about it, it is also a business, what about Reno right now is screaming, "Hey look how awesome we look we are flourishing with business!"

The planners of Artown put out fifteen pianos to celebrate fifteen years of Artown. Fifteen local artist decorated the pianos to share their art with the community. Some rat bastards thought it would be great to beat the hell out of and vandalize two of them. It is sad and shows why things in Reno are on more of a decline. I was out last week, riding around with my friend Josh on his tandem bike. (Yeah we were pretty much the coolest people out there on his bicycle built for two.) The pianos brought me joy, hard work and effort were put into them and well shit it was just nice to see people walking up to them and playing them. The pianos were put there for joy and entertainment. Whether you are a Musical genius, a person who only took piano lessons for three years, or a kid just walking up to them and banging on the keys, they managed to inspire. Those bastards should be spanked. (That is right I am saying it!) I respect the artist who sees the positive in it. She now gets to paint another panel for the piano, and that warms my heart.

People are raving and ranting about HAN leaving Reno. Who cares this is not until 2012. Maybe by that time Reno will have it's act together, and HAN will not want to leave. Maybe by the time 2012 rolls around this fledgling economy will be booming again. The mayors of Sparks and Reno should take this as a wake up call. I know if I spent all that money on a car and put all that effort into it why would I want to bring it to a place where there is a condemned building in the background. Your cities are in a decline. If something as big as HAN does not want to stay here, maybe it is time to start cleaning up. How about we start with Virginia Street. I know there is a recession, but from dirt comes flowers. Paint another panel. I love this city, but things need to change, this is getting ridiculous. Things can always come back, so prove it to your citizens, by making some efforts to save this recession ridden city. Stop seeing the big bucks, this is not Las Vegas, this is why I love it here.

Clean it up and fix it. It is what the supporters of Artown are doing, they are trying to make things better. They are trying to make the Biggest little city better. What are you doing? Telling people you are "One Hot Tamale" BFD!!! Clean up your city and prove it is HAN's loss. Start it over and make it bigger and better than it ever was. It is what the people of Artown do, every year they make it better and work towards something better. Even when something bad happened they managed to pull together and fix it, not show how angry they are. This could have been an opportunity to renew and fix as opposed to just talk like everyone else seems to do.

One thing about Vegas is at least Oscar Goodman would be out there fighting for this not just talking (OK so he does talk A LOT). BUT Mayors you have known about this for a while now and all of a sudden you are shocked! You should be spanked, this is your vandalism! You let it run it course and thought things would never change, well now they are. Look at your down town. The Reno beautification project fell by the wayside, and wow we now have condos. Empty condos. What is Northern Nevada known for? Things like Artown, HAN, Street Vibrations, Those beautiful mountains we ski, see and hike in, and GAMBLING. How can people gamble when no one wants to come here and do it because "the strip" looks like a pig sty. If you build it they will come, willingly!

go here and read about the silly HAN fiasco!

here for the pianos

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