Thursday, May 1, 2008


Today as I am working at the coffee shop, I am listening to a guy talking about how he likes to kick his females into place when they act up....

Really did you just say that?  

Then my manager comes to me and says the guy just said he has six wives...six wives!?!  Gross

To each their own but really why would you talk about it in public?  It is something illegal and against the law/religious views of most religions...

I just felt gross having to be nice to him.  I felt gross have to help him and treat him the same way I would treat the good customers who come in everyday and treat me the same as everyone else because this man kept looking down on me like I was nothing.  Kept calling me sweety and hon.  

ICKY man...Kicking his females into place...I hope he picks up a prostitute and gets VD

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