Sunday, June 27, 2010

Breakfast time!

Sundays are funny days for me. I usually do not do much besides sit outside and do my homework. I do not go to the gym and I do not watch what I eat. I refuse to clean and I will not do any kind of housework at all. I think that literally it is a day of rest, aside from homework because there is just no getting around it. If I want to go and eat shitty I will. This is my day off from whatever it is I eat during the week. I will have a big fat hamburger, and ice cream, and cookies and and and... I think that have one day of rewarding yourself is great. Sunday is my day of rewards.

My plan for the week usually is, eat the most colorful food you can find. I stopped eating white and switched to brown. I won't lie I still will have white pasta or white rice, but there are somethings you cannot control, especially when you are eating at a restaurant.

What is this brown vs. white thing? It is not the fantastic case in the 1960's that threw out the separate but equal clause in schools across the country (that is Brown vs. Board of Education). This is take a look at your plate, what is the ratio of color to white on your plate. Meaning the amount of processed food to the amount of natural food. Are the greens, browns, yellows, and reds or Are there a lot of whites? How much of the food is hand made and how
much of it came from a can? What is natural, and what has corn syrup in it?

This morning I did not feel like splurging. I wanted Pegg's, but at the same time I could make Pegg's at home too. Plus I did not want to go alone, and no one was up at 7 am. (Pegg's is slammed by 8 it is so worth it though). I decided to make scrambled eggs with spinach, jack cheese and avocado. It is pretty standard and super simple.

3 Eggs
Handful of spinach
As much jack cheese as you want
Half of an avocado
Splash of Half and Half
Salt and Pepper to taste.

Crack 3 eggs in a bowl, add the half and half and Beat with a whisk or fork or just make sure the stupid things are mixed. I know what you are thinking it sounds like a heart attack. I do not drink milk and I have half and half in my fridge. It makes the eggs fluffy, if you do not do this they will come out dense, I like fluffy eggs. It is the point of scrambled eggs. Add it to the frying pan on medium
heat and add your salt and pepper. Add the Spinach and the Cheese and stir. It is not an omelet so you do not have to fold, just stir.

It looks like this soggy mess right here until you get it cooking more. See the amount of green to yellow. There is color. YAY! I love color. Color equals flavor. Plus this takes like fifteen minutes to make. Cook your eggs to how you want them
I made them a bit harder than I like but that is OK. Once you finish cooking it put it on a plate and add the avocado. This is super fatty you are saying. So its a splurge day, and it has a lot of protein. Plus they are all good fats and oils. Eggs and avocados are good for you and hell I would just eat one plain. Add wheat toast if you like, add sourdough if you want it is a splurge day. If you look at what it is you are eating as compared to what you are not eating then the trade off is not bad. This is all natural. In the end it just comes down to how you
feel, you feel bad when the food is a ball in your stomach, you feel energized when you ate right.
Oliver wanted to make sure I was making it right, he is a really great helper.

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