Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Good Riddance to bad fog

This fog is killing me.  It is not fog it is smoke.  I am so sad there are like 80 million (exaggeration of course) in you Northern California, but if you could please stop blowing all of your smoke in Northern Nevada's Direction, that would be great thanks... We are all dieing from the air quality here.  One seriously cannot walk outside without feeling like they just walked into an eighty year old smoker's house.  You know they have been doing it since they were sixteen, and you know even if the smoker is not smoking right then and there; It is enough second hand smoke in the house to make you become addicted to cigarettes and smoke till your eighty. :hack hack: 

I just want some fresh air! Please oh Please...Thank you.  

So then I am at work yesterday, and really we are all trying to show off how great we are.  People need to realize we each have our place in the boss's heart, and just back off.  When one is training someone, we just have to let them fail.  The one who steps in thinking they are going to be the better trainer is going to mess up the plan and ruin all of the training previous.  Falling down and learning how to pick oneself up again is probably the best way to learn.  Being the person who steps over the teacher at the time is probably the best way to anger the other and then confuse the student...Oh well, nobody likes you anyways!   ;)

I get to go to Park City for a few days...Whoopie...can you tell I am thrilled.  

I need a vacation, and not one that involves being around my family.  I need to just get away somewhere and just go somewhere exotic, but alas I work and that will never happen...again oh well...

Perhaps I should be a teacher!  Even though I do not want to be...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Really People

I wish I could understand why people feel the need to be so mean to baristas.  We are just there to help you and make you coffee.  I am sorry the coffee did not taste as good as the last time.  We can make it over for you.  Just tell us in a polite manner, and gladly we will.  Really the nicer you are to us the nicer we are to you.  

A lady was getting mad at me today because she did the card register thing and thought when she refilled her card she would be getting a free drink.  No this free drink is only when one registers their card.  Not refill it with money.  It is not my job to give you a free drink, but I still did and politely told her for future the free drink is not part of the refilling of the card.  "I get a free drink I get a free drink I get a free drink" is all she kept saying all through the time I am trying to tell her about the great details of the card registration thing. OYE!

Then another man comes in and tells us how Reno is an armpit.  "Where are you from?"  We ask.  Salt Lake City he tells us.  PFSHT, I have been there I would say they are about the same, except the weather in Reno is a little better.  Both places have pretty mountains.  Both places have some museums, and both places have many things to offer.  Not one is better than the other.  Both have their Arm Pit qualities, just like any city.  He said Salt Lake is better than Reno which really got me.  Oh well.  Really though we live here so probably not smart bud!

On another note, I am almost done with the shall of doom.  This thing will haunt me for ever, but Damn I will finish it.  I want to rip out the jitterbug socks.  I am just not as happy as I thought I was.  I can make a better pattern I know I can, I am better this way and also these socks will so much better anyways!  OHHHHH and I joined ravelry today!!!!! woot!!!

On a sad note, no more George Carlin.  Damn, one funny man.  This pissy ass world needs the funny men in them, and when we lose them it just seems sadder than when we lose a news anchor.  Thanks for all the laughs George, you shall be missed.  

I guess I am writing a song today because there are just notes I am playing them.  The bean crew is going to be painting pottery today.  I am the worst painter in the world so if anything this should be entertaining:).  I cannot wait to get us all together and see how we all say and react! It is a different bunch of people but we are all super fun to see and be! 

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Where do I start


Ok so it has been a while because I am horrible about these things.  I think my life can be really rather boring so who wants to read about it...I know I wouldn't! Well sometimes I wouldn't

So knitting wise, I have been knitting like crazy.  Recently I helped make a scarf for a free scarfs to throws patterns.  A really good idea and really they are all looking super cool together (they can been seen on under the free patterns section mine will be month 8 i think).  So much fun to do too; making the pattern and doing them all soo ladies (not that there are any out there reading this, I know that I am not even writing it) if you get a chance, do it, do my pattern and oh yeah buy some yarn!  The other things are some socks I am creating out of some jitterbug yarn.  I love knitting with this yarn it is really soft and smooth and the colors/color patterns created out of it; my my my are to die for.  I have the camo type one going on.  A guy friend of my liked it so much he wanted it, until he saw the pink in it...Boys and pink heaven for bid someone think your gay for wearing pink.  

Also there is some alpaca sox that I just made my mother socks out of.  They have a Faux cable on them and they show up quite nicely with the varigiation.  Plus it is alpaca so who the hell cares if the pattern shows up; they are like the nicest caring loving male cuddling up with you at night and then making you breakfast in the morning.  I have been on a super huge sock kick lately I don't know why.  They are fun and they are challenging I am thinking that could be it... Also I have been making my sister a shall out of you guessed it more alpaca with silk.  This shall is looking very very nice, she will probably hate it, well just because I made it.

My sister Chrissy graduated from college.  Chrissy went to the University of San Diego.  We are all super proud of her.  She got her degree in business and will be on an internship in London for a year.  It was fun being down in San Diego! I love it there, so pretty!  It rained the whole time which was so nice.  I like the rain.  Plus there was so much fun stuff down in San Diego.  The beach and the food...I got to eat at Ruby's which is my absolute favorite restaurant.  

Reno has been Reno.  It is super nice weather.  Working inside all day gets really hard, but I am managing.  I am starting to get used to my first job, which is getting easier.  I think I will eventually like it.  I love working at the yarn store.  Yarn is great especially when what you love is yarn.  Some day there will a beautiful life where we all can see how amazing it is to work with yarn!!!

Of course who could forget about the dog.  Oliver is being oliver.  Just lays about and then cuddles up next to you gets pissed you didn't pet him after you pet him for fifteen minutes.  (He wants you to pet him for about fifteen hours more, and then he will be half way
 satisfied.) Damn dog, but I love him more than anything.  

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Right now I would expect myself to feel lonely and to a point I guess that is true, but there is something pulling me through.  It is the promise of him.  I know someday its going to happen and its going to to be perfect.  Everything I have gone through will fade away and I will completely captured by his presence.  Nothing will matter anymore except how much he loves me.  I know he's waiting foe me too and that makes it so much sweeter.  Praying for me as I ado for him.  I won't have to wait for it to happen.  Its to happen.  Its going to be everything I've been waiting for and it will be forever.  So no more petty flings, no more guys who do not appreciate me.  No more boyfriends promising me the world and then ripping it out from under me.  I'm waiting for him.  The right one.  Its so going to be worth it

Someday my prince will come....

Stupid Disney