Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Good Riddance to bad fog

This fog is killing me.  It is not fog it is smoke.  I am so sad there are like 80 million (exaggeration of course) in you Northern California, but if you could please stop blowing all of your smoke in Northern Nevada's Direction, that would be great thanks... We are all dieing from the air quality here.  One seriously cannot walk outside without feeling like they just walked into an eighty year old smoker's house.  You know they have been doing it since they were sixteen, and you know even if the smoker is not smoking right then and there; It is enough second hand smoke in the house to make you become addicted to cigarettes and smoke till your eighty. :hack hack: 

I just want some fresh air! Please oh Please...Thank you.  

So then I am at work yesterday, and really we are all trying to show off how great we are.  People need to realize we each have our place in the boss's heart, and just back off.  When one is training someone, we just have to let them fail.  The one who steps in thinking they are going to be the better trainer is going to mess up the plan and ruin all of the training previous.  Falling down and learning how to pick oneself up again is probably the best way to learn.  Being the person who steps over the teacher at the time is probably the best way to anger the other and then confuse the student...Oh well, nobody likes you anyways!   ;)

I get to go to Park City for a few days...Whoopie...can you tell I am thrilled.  

I need a vacation, and not one that involves being around my family.  I need to just get away somewhere and just go somewhere exotic, but alas I work and that will never happen...again oh well...

Perhaps I should be a teacher!  Even though I do not want to be...

1 comment:

Rachel said...

hey - heard on our news lots of Starbucks closing over there, hope you still have your job