Thursday, July 10, 2008

Goodness me

So it has been awhile...

It is because I haven't had internet in awhile.  I have also been away...Silly me!

I still am knitting the same stuff, but it is coming along and I just keep adding more and more projects to it, which is becoming more and more tedious.  More socks, more scarfs, and another shall. (YIPES!)  I will finish it all! Damn it I will finish it all!

My life keeps changing each day for better or for worse.  So I guess that means it is mediocre?  I cannot complain about it then.  Which kind of makes me sad.  Aside from the same ol' things to complain about, like my mother, things are well going good and going bad.  

The vacation was good I had fun with my lil sis.  As always.  She and I always get along, we have fun and when we fight it is sister fighting.  We played wii and spoke about books.  She kept saying how she was going to knit, but we all know how it is a pile of word bulimia coming from her mouth because she is thirteen.  When a thirteen year old starts, it never finishes.  Unlike a soon to be twenty-four year old who starts like thirty projects and will finish maybe one every few months.  The other sister not so much though.  Of course this was to be expected.  It is the disagreeing with everything coming out of my mouth, and the comparing of our bodies.  I am afraid the youngest will turn into the superficial brat this one is.  I wish her all the best in London.  I hope she does find her Mr. Darcy she thinks she is going to find.   OYE!!!  I think for all of life telling us we are going to find a prince charming we are going to think it is finally true.  

So it was a vacation, nothing much was done.  It was a family visit more like it.  go figure.  Nothing to it.  Nothing exciting.  They are family.  They drive a person up a wall like a cat and then the cat hisses back at them.  

Also if the few who read this blog at all can or get a chance, go and read: you will feel the most liberated ever!  It is a great feeling and a fantastic project.  Maybe soon I will be putting up pictures!

Oh yeah I will be 24 in 2 days...oh well...sad

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